When it comes to skin and hair products it's truly a game of trial and error, you have to go through some duds to find your starting lineup. Recently I’ve been trying new products and techniques in order to find what works best for me. With so many choices and new lines coming out everyday I know it can get overwhelming and expensive seeking out what works. While I’m on this long beauty journey, I thought I’d share some of my current favorites below. Join us in the comment section and let us know what your faves are!


Peter Thomas Roth 24K Gold Mask


At one point this mask was severely slept on as it was one of a handful I had from PTR’s mask collection. Once I used up the others I had a chance to really get to know the 24k gold mask and man, it was life changing. This is now one of my holy grail products. It’s my go to for a night out and big events when I really need my skin to glow under a full beat. Boasting instant results in skin texture and brightness, when I say this will give you the glow you are looking for believe me.

Alpha H Liquid Gold Ultimate Perfecting Mask


Alpha H saved my life! Toward the middle of last year I developed terrible adult acne that came out of nowhere. Having never really struggled with acne  I had no clue what to use to combat the cystic acne that invaded my forehead for months. I tried the natural route as well as using more aggressive products, they helped a bit but I didn’t see the results I wanted. My sister gifted me this mask and after literally one use I noticed a huge difference, the breakout I had the night before was gone the next morning. Now months later I can say my skin has bounced back and all praise is due to the perfecting mask. I highly recommend this for those who are suffering from acne, the price tag speaks to the results.

Youth To The People Superberry Hydrate and Glow Oil


This is another product I was gifted and have since fallen in love with. This glow oil absolutely lives up to its name, after applying, my skin is fresh and glowing. The ingredients are great skin food packed with antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and vitamin C, making it super hydrating. It absorbs so easily, I apply it day and night right before my moisturizer and sunscreen.


Carols Daughter Hair Milk Refresher Spray


I was a little skeptical about refresher sprays for my hair, being that I would rather use water than spend money on sprays to refresh my curls but this product changed all that. The Carols Daughter Hair Milk Refresher spray has ingredients that my hair loves. For my day two and three hair all I have to do is spray this and my curls come back to life, it helps ease some of the frizz that my hair usually has. Prior to discovering this I was rewetting my hair to renew dry coils, but with this I can add moisture without losing volume.

Rosemary Mint Strengthening Masque

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In my opinion this whole line is bomb, but this right here is elite! The Rosemary Mint Strengthening Hair Masque is  so good, after silk pressing my hair I rely on this product to bring my curls back to life. I struggle with finding hair care that works for my dry low porosity hair but with this I have something that adds the moisture that my hair desperately needs and loves.

Suave Almond + Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner 


This is old faithful, I’ve been using Suave almond + shea butter conditioner for years and my hair has not grown sick of it yet. I’m all for affordable products for my hair which is why I'm so happy this drug store buy has done me so well. I use this not only as a conditioning product while untangling my hair but also as a styler as well. I’d say 80% of the time I’m using this to style my curls and people are usually shocked when I tell them the brand. It’s a great base product when I want to stretch out my more expensive leave-in conditioners, I can count on this to keep my hair moisturized all day.