Post-Quarantine Fashion

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As the world continues to spin amidst this pandemic and what seems like an economic downturn my mind can't help but wonder what the world will look like once the dust settles. It's safe to say the world as we knew it is becoming a distant memory with each passing day. Although my mind is thinking about the changes in the workforce, social outing guidelines, and the future of travel; the place where I am intrigued to see adapt the most is the world of fashion.

“It truly makes a girl wonder; do our flyest days lay ahead?”

Historically, major world events tend to propel fashion into the next wave, the event that can't escape my mind is post- WW2 and Diors ‘New Look”. Just two years after WW2 the French Couturier Christian Dior presented a collection that broke away from civilian uniforms and ushered in the look for the new society. During the war the government made restrictions on fabric and materials. Dior celebrated the end of these restrictions by making long hems and corsets for women leaving the workforce and going back to home life. I’m beginning to wonder how will we celebrate once quarantine is over, will we start dressing to the nines each day as a way to glorify a life out of sweatpants and PJ’s? It truly makes a girl wonder; do our flyest days lay ahead?

On the other hand, will we even have the energy to put toward fashion once this is over, will we all be too emotionally drained and coping with our new normal to dream of fly fits and bomb accessories? I honestly feel like when this is all said and done we will have a style resurgence of femininity and being extra glam due to the fact we have missed out on months of getting looks off. I know for myself  I cannot wait to put on my first fit post-quarantine; I’m taking no prisoners. I love the process of getting dressed, doing my face, and meeting up with my girls who are equally as fly, a whole mood. I'm usually a jeans and blouse girl, but after weeks in athleisure wear, I’m really looking forward to wearing dresses and skirts and being super ladylike, shoot I may even wear heels to the office. If you're a fashion lover like myself  I know you are dreaming of the day when you can step on necks in your latest and greatest attire outside of the virtual world so please make my day and let me know what you will be wearing once free in the comments below.