7 Steps: How I Bossed Up in 2020

I typically don’t believe in resolutions, but I really wanted 2020 to be different than any year I’ve ever experienced, I wanted to be intentional about what I wanted for my life then go out and get it. I had a strong feeling that things were going to shift for me and I wanted my 2020 goals list to be a record of me accomplishing everything I set my heart to. I had no idea that just a few months later not only was my life going, but the entire world look and operate in an entirely new way. I can honestly say when the pandemic hit in March of 2020 my life changed for the better and in a way, I couldn't imagine nor foresee.

For context on where my life was prior to the pandemic, I was working a job in my career field which was what I believed I really wanted. I had been there for a few months and was starting to realize I was underwhelmed and overwhelmed at the same time. I’m a person who loves hands-on learning so I was excited to learn more about my industry in this new role. In the few months that I was there, I learned a lot and took on a lot of different responsibilities and tasks quickly. After a while, I started to realize I wasn't cut out for office culture and politics, I like to be in control of my environment, and micromanaging wasn't something my personality could handle. I started to get anxious, antsy, and skeptical. Two weeks before the pandemic, I was feeling super fatigued, I wasn’t feeling my environment and found myself having to take mental days to cope. In my heart, I knew I needed a break, a long and good one, then boom. Pandemic! Getting the call that I was going to be working remotely for 2 weeks was the slight pause I was yearning for. The idea of getting a chance to catch back up with my life was a blessing, a few weeks of working from home was a dream, but then 2 weeks turned into months. I lost my job (a blessing) and decided to head up north to quarantine with my family (a bigger blessing). With everything going on and so much lost my vision grew so much clearer, the best part of this was me being able to spend more time with God and get on track for what he wanted me to do. I dedicated time to myself, had more time to work on passion projects, read, learn new things, workout, and simply be present in my life. I didn't realize how much I was just working through my life until I had the opportunity to do absolutely nothing. The first few months of quarantine I dedicated to getting right spiritually, I knew that there was something that God wanted me to change and things he wanted me to pick up. Prayer is what really got me through and pushed me to where I am today.

From January of 2020 to this very moment my life has done a complete 360! I’m self-employed, financially stable, got a new spot, and I’m working on launching my very first solo project, an opportunity I didn't think I’d have until years from now. I really flipped this quarantine into a better life for myself, I was so determined to make this year like something I’ve never experienced and now looking at my 2020 goals and seeing where I am at now I’m shook. I know the sole reason I’m here is because of God, period. I could have easily let the negatives that came with this year keep me stagnant but I pressed on. My advice if you are looking to turn your situation around is to strengthen your life spiritually, spend time with God, and sharpen your ear to see what he says. I promise this year's events were not designed to harm you, through bad times we need to look to what God is trying to show us and work toward the steps he has for you. If you find yourself in a place that you want out of, instead of trying to work your way out try to find why you are there what is it you need to learn, God doesn't put us in positions to harm us, find the why. Here are 7 steps that helped me boss up in 2020!

1. Pray and Fasting

Major key! If you are unsure of where to start, fasting is always the move. This doesn't have to be from food, it can be from anything that is a distraction.  (ie. social media)

2. Avoid negative thoughts

It is so important to redirect your negative thoughts, it’s easy to let our current situations get us down and distract us from our goals. Speak life into your situation “I AM MORE THAN PREPARED” “I WILL GET THROUGH THIS” ETC

3. Map out your plans

Writing things down has helped me solidify goals and not miss anything I need to do. Mapping out a plan will help you stay on task.

4. Work the steps

Everything is a process, figure out what your step one is and go from there. Even if it's a small step, write it down and check it off, you’ll feel accomplished and be encouraged to keep going.

5. Ask God (What does God say)

Listen, in 2020 I don't do anything without consulting God. Ask him if this is the right opportunity, what's the next step, is this the right relationship; any and everything. He’s concerned with all things concerning you so ask him first.

6. Disconnect from social media

Social media can be a huge distraction and extremely triggering. When I'm working on a project I try to limit social to clear my headspace. We also want to be careful to not compare our lives to others while we are in a season of difficulty so stepping away is always a good choice.

7. Do the work

DO THE WORK! Nothing will get done if you don't do it. You are more than capable, you can accomplish all that your heart desires. Now go get it!

Psalms 37:23-24