2020 Reflections with Tuandre'a

We’ve made it to a New Year! It’s time for us to start looking forward to what our latest chapter has in store for us; as well as reflecting on the wins, looses and lessons learned from the previous year. Looking back allows us to move forward in a way that helps us to be better and do better than 2019.

Reflections are just as important as resolutions so we tagged our girl Tuandre’a Beasley to discuss her blog Note(s) to Self, takeaways from 2019, and the inspiration behind her 2020 reflection and resolution template.


Tell us about yourself

This question has always been so hard to me because it’s so broad! Typically, I would answer with a question like, ‘well what do you want to know?’ because I am a lot of a person, but I’ll just keep it short! I am Tuandre’a (it’s not as confusing as it looks, just Andrea with a T). A 24 year old awkward black girl. I am an empath and an introvert, which I believe coincides with what I do. I am the writer of Notes to Self. A fashion buyer, and designer. And an overall creative

Tell us about Notes to Self

There is no concise description, but Notes to Self is pieces of me in written form. It is a twenty something girl navigating through life. Writing about the ‘hard’ stuff. Questioning my place, my behaviors. Reflecting on experiences, and what they’ve taught me. Conversations that have sat with me. A variety of things. 

It is raw. It is imperfect. It is evolving. It is hurting & healing at the same time. It is authentic. It is me, as I know myself to be. I found therapy in writing and I explored the idea of making it a public blog when I started to feel like it’s not just me going through this. This being the up & downs of life - ’adulting’ and your ‘twenties’. As scary as it was to share my thoughts, something felt necessary about it. Notes to Self became my therapist with no judgment and unbiased opinions. My readers became friends. Both became a community, and a safe place for me. 

By putting myself out there, I wanted this to also be a safe place and community for those reading and may not talk about these things. With hopes there are pieces that will resonate and provide a little nugget of encouragement to take along with them.  Some notes are short and to the point. Some are long with a bit of storytelling, reflecting, thought provoking points and a note at the end. 

What inspired you to create your 2020 reflection template

I was inspired by my mom, and a writer named Alex Elle. Since childhood my mom always incorporated some kind of reflection activity for the New Year, so there has always been a sentiment and a feeling of resetting during this time.  There was one year I did nothing whatsoever, and that was a pretty tough year. Since then, I’ve made a conscious decision and effort to reflect at the end of the year. Alex Elle is someone I follow on Instagram and she always asks really good deep questions, so I wanted to use some of her questions to get me going. Through time, and learning about myself I began to compile questions and exercises of my own. 

Reflect on the year 2019

2019 was great. It felt very restorative. After going through a healing process the year prior, I felt at peace, more like myself and I was able to sit back and enjoy. For the longest I would tell myself to ‘just start’, and never truly did or I started but didn’t finish. But this year was a lot of starting, accomplishing, and continuing. I did anything that made me happy honestly. I refused to give up or find myself in places that did nothing for me. I challenged myself and was challenged in so many ways. Overall, it was a really good year and I’m ever so thankful for it.

Answer one question from your template

Why has this year been hard for me? 

I think the hardest thing about this year was balance. Mainly inner balance. Finding healthy balances between being selfless and selfish, being empathetic and apathetic, being transparent and private and remaining true to me while figuring it all out. In the past, I was quick to be selfless, empathetic, and open. Then I learned how people didn’t fully appreciate it. Not intentionally. It’s just that everyone is doing their own thing, so they are treating you how they want to be treated not how you want to be treated. So, I had to learn where and who to put the right amount of energy into to the point I’m not drained after or empty to start. It’s been a game changer in preserving who I am

Check out Tuandre’as blog Note(s) To Self to fill out your own 2020 reflection template.