Words from the Wilderness

In all of our lives we will have several wilderness seasons and times where our roaming seems pointless. Though a place of isolation and often times sadness, this is a place for crazy faith. We all question the necessity of this period trying to figure out why we are not bearing fruit, why are we alone and confused. From this appointed time comes the message, the answers that we are seeking can be found if we only listen and obey.


Our wilderness season is the time for us to lean into the word of God, and build up our faith despite what it looks like. God took Israel through the desert for 40 years where they wondered, waiting for the promised land and in that waiting, God gave Moses the 10 commandments. Even Jesus was tested in the wilderness while he fasted and prayed and out of that place of isolation and trials, Jesus began his ministry (his calling). The wilderness is a place of labor and trust. There is no time to question God's plan for us, lean in.



 Surviving the wilderness is built on the word that we received from God. Receiving that word, is done by getting on one accord with the word of God. Having faith in what we can’t see and trusting that when the Lord has said he has “Plans to Prosper You and Not to Harm You, Plans to Give You Hope and a Future” (Jeremiah 29:11), He does.


It’s important for us to be encouraged during our seasons of doubt and unfamiliarity as young people who are still trying to find our footing in this world. Time and time again, I've had to press my way through the hard times even when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. It can get hard but I prayed and meditated on the word consistently, to keep my sanity and be reassured in my journey. Our lives are going to be filled with ups and downs, but while things are looking up, I’m taking time to look back at the dark times in the past and thank God for bringing me through. For shaping and molding me into who I am right now. Wilderness periods built my faith and prepared me for this moment and it was necessary.

I truly believe in the lessons of suffering and the unknown. If you are in a place of uncertainty in your life, I would suggest taking a moment to study the word and listen to what God has to say, his voice is clear in the wilderness.



From the end of the earth will I call unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2