My Natural Hair Journey

In January of 2017 I decided I was sick of straightening my hair every week. I remember that moment so vividly, I had gone back and forth with which method of transitioning (heat damaged hair to healthy hair) was for me. My first step was going to a stylist who specializes in natural hair, I wanted to learn more about caring for my curls. After this visit I realized how damaged my curls were, my hair was straight even while soaking wet. I was then left with the decision of how I wanted to transition: big chop or a slow transition of cutting off inch by inch as my hair grew, I chose the latter. I was so afraid of the big chop that me cutting off all my hair was never a consideration, I knew I didn’t have the face or patience for short hair. My transition was slow and painful, I had to make a promise to myself to cut heat altogether, buns became my new style. For me it was so hard not using heat, I missed my hair and adding soft waves which was my signature look. Without heat and damaged curls the low bun was my only option, I wore this look for a year straight ! It was fatiguing, some nights when I wanted to step out and show out my little bun was raining on my parade. But I had a goal of a head filled with healthy poppin’ curls. Finally after two years of growing out my damaged hair I decided to do a big chop letting go of my straight pieces, this was a huge moment for me. To see my hair healthy and curly was worth years of bun life, getting the opportunity to get to know my hair and finally seeing its true pattern was so exciting.

Most recent hair picture! I love it here, curls are flourishing!

Most recent hair picture! I love it here, curls are flourishing!


I consider the time I decided to let go of my damaged ends one of the best hair decisions of my life. I finally saw the light, my hair was healthy and my curls returned. After this decision, I entered into the next phase of transition learning my hair, contrary to what I thought healthy curls didn't mean my hair was automatically going to look good. I had to learn the best methods and products that worked for my texture. This learning process took a little over a year, I struggled with both twist outs and wash and go’s. My Shrinkage was crazy and I wasn't sure how to manage my curls in a way that complimented me. After trying countless products I finally found what worked for my hair, it needed heavier creams and I need to apply these creams while my hair is soaking wet to see the best results. The first product I used that was a game-changer in understanding my hair product preference was Texture ID’s styling cream, since then I’ve been using heavier creams. Now my two faves are TGIN BUTTER CREAM AND THE DOUX C.R.E.A.M twist and curl cream, they give me the best results. While we are on the topic of the twist-out method, that was another thing that took me years to do successfully! Something so simple and I could not for the life of me get right for the longest, but all I needed was the right tools My fail-proof twist out method is, apply generous amounts of product on wet hair, twisting while wet, and not taking my hair out until completely dry. A step that I missed that really made all the difference was picking my hair out once I took my twist or braids out. I noticed using a pick gave me the look I was going for and most of the time when I thought I failed at the twist method, I just needed a pick! Picks give me the lift and volume that I love. It fluffs up my hair and gives it its character, highly recommend using a pick to get a fly fro. Another product I stumbled across was The Doux texture foam, I love using the foam for my twist outs, it makes my hair healthier-looking with a natural shine, it has easily become a holy grail product for me.


I never thought I’d see the day when I could rock a wash n go!I have to say, in order to achieve a successful wash n go you are going to go through a lot of trial and error. Again for context, I started my transition in 2017 and now in 2020 I can say I have finally mastered my wash n go technique. Repeating how I do my twist out, my hair needs product applied while soaking wet, like fresh out of the shower or while I'm still in the shower. The right products are a must as well, I’ve found several products that I know will do me right and can depend on. TGIN Butter Cream AND SHEA Moistures Curly Smoothie are my faves for wash n go’s, to my surprise I can also use these products alone with nothing else and still have my wash n go look good. 

Being that this has been a long time coming I am so excited to be at the place where I can manage my natural hair plus my curls have never looked better. I am more confident in styling my hair when I know I have to be somewhere in a short amount of time. Gone are the days of simply rocking a bun, these days you’ll find me rocking my texture loud and proud. I write this to encourage you ladies who are just beginning your own transition to healthy hair and need an extra push, keep going sis! The arrival is well worth it, enjoy your hair at every phase, find out what products and methods work best for you. Transitioning is a long road that requires dedication so put the heat down, get regular cuts, rock protective styles, and experiment! 

Here are some pictures documenting my journey and all its ups and downs. Enjoy and please share some of your fave products and tips in the comment section, us natural girls need to help each other out.

*If reading on mobile turn phone sideways for below photo captions.