Winter Skin? Don't Know Her- 7 products that keep our skin HYDRATED all season

It's that (frigid) season! Yup, it's that time of the year when cold air and dry skin reign supreme. During these cold dry months, I am forced to be super proactive in keeping my skin's moisture barrier just that.. moist. I’d say I have dry skin, making it important for me to keep my shelf up to date with the most effective moisturizing products. I’m really happy with my current winter skincare routine as it's been keeping my face far from dry and itchy. Below are some of my ride or die face on glow hydrating products, that has also given me a flawless base when applying makeup (a major win-win situation). I added two body care products as well because moisturized skin shouldn’t stop at your face.

CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser

My new must-have cleanser from CeraVe is a powerhouse that cleanses and exfoliates. It contains the acne-fighting ingredient salicylic acid making it effective against breakouts but also contains ceramides to support moisture. My skin never feels stripped after washing and I can see the difference in my skin’s overall health. If you struggle with acne and keeping your skin hydrated I recommend this cleanser as it heals breakouts and hydrates for glowing healthy skin.

Yerba Mate Resurfacing Energy Facial

This mask from Youth to the People is so good! It’s one of those products that you see instant results with, my go-to when my skin needs a quick pick me up. It’s an enzyme treatment that breaks down dead skin cells leaving your skin glowing and smooth.

Rosewater Facial Toner

Everyone who has dry skin needs to own this rose water toner, it is so hydrating! I use this every time I cleanse as it adds back the moisture that may have left during the cleansing process. It is so satisfying, almost like a tall glass of water for your face. Hyaluronic acid is the hero ingredient for hydrated skin (you have to have it), this toner contains that plus aloe and at the price tag, you can’t beat it as far as chemical-aided hydration products go.

Multi Solution Triple V Ampoule

This lightweight serum is so important to my winter glowing skin routine! It contains several solutions but what I love most is the vitamin C and niacinamide that help reduce my dark spots from acne scars. With those brightening chemicals, this serum is a potion for glow. Although my routine is packed with hydration, I make it a point to have solution-based products that fight acne and tackle dark spots, this ampoule does the latter well.

Signature Moisturizer

I can say boldly that this moisturizer is worth the price tag! The way my skin is so hydrated after is a wow moment. This moisturizer is creamy and slightly thick making it ideal for winter. It coats you in a layer of hydration without making you look greasy. You will absolutely fall in love with this product and it looks amazing when used as your base for makeup. I truly feel like this is one of the BEST moisturizers on the market, the entire ROSE Ingelton MD collection is pretty top-notch.

The Body Exfoliator

We can not forget about body products- hydration is not only for the face. I am in love with The Body Exfolier from NÉCESSAIRE, it is everything. This product uses chemical and physical exfoliants to buff away dead skin cells, revealing baby soft skin. Before being introduced to this exfoliator I never thought about using chemical exfoliants on my body, but now I will never go back! It contains AHA/BHA trio (Glycolic, Lactic, and Salicylic acids) which I love using on my face, but now I can enjoy their benefits on the rest of my body. My skin has never been so soft.



If you don’t use body butter during the winter, I’m just going to assume you enjoy being ashy. Lotion is not going to cut it for this aggressively dry winter, I need all the butters! My favorite is Lullaby from Love, Beatrice. It smells so good and nourishes my skin with plentiful moisture. I like to take steaming hot showers ( I know super drying) but this body butter gets me right immediately after.