Why Do Fools Fall In Love?


A major topic amongst most singles is love. Whether we are questioning our singledom or being questioned by others about our singledom, love seems to always be a matter of conversation.  There’s a lot of weight put on us from all angles to be in a relationship or to be “talking” to someone. If I had a dollar for every time some random person asked if I had a boyfriend I’d be rich rich! The notion that women are expected to be in a relationship is rather perplexing, being that in order to love someone else one must first love themselves. Society pushes the relationship agenda HARD to the point that most of us have found ourselves in pointless relationships just to say we are in one.

So why is it so hard being a young single 20 something in 2019? Its the struggle with trying to keep up with society’s norms: your friends, family, and social media. Its the awkward, “So why are you single” questions or the situations where people are forcing you to meet up with one of their friends. The pressure, the agony! Why is being young, single and happy such a far-fetched idea for so many? Our worthiness/happiness should not be built up to who we are with. I have a dream that one day women are expected to first find themselves, learn what makes them happy, and find self-love before being pressured to find a man. Thinking you’ll find yourself in a relationship is foolish thinking. Thinking happiness will be found in one single person is not the way out.

Single women should be able to be happy and single! No more asking, “Where is your man at?”; or secretly wishing someone else’s relationship would become our reality. It is so important as women that we become comfortable with where we are at, with the work we are doing within ourselves and our circle around us. Everyone is not worth our time and sanity, so the notion that we should give any and every man a shot needs to be deaded. If you are happy and single, living, loving your life and chilling until the one comes, do that sis! Don’t let these folks trick you into something you don’t need. It’s okay to be single! Say it twice.. now go out there and get into that self-love bag!